Besides learning about design during the Bachelor, I have also gained skills and experience outside of the curriculum.
Graphic design assignments
I have had numerous graphic design assignments from different parties. I have been an active member of the PR committee of C. S. V. Ichthus Eindhoven for which I have designed posters and flyers for different activities. Besides this I have also had graphic design assignments for weddings and birth cards. For my creations I use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. 
Drawing and Painting
Outside of my study I still like to work on artistic activities and creative projects. This passion began in drawing classes during secondary school in which I specialized in drawing and painting.
Another passion of mine, which comes in handy during design projects, is photography. I enjoy capturing memories with a camera. While I do this as a hobby, I have done some photography jobs at weddings. Furthermore, I want to improve my skills I photography and learn more about editing in Adobe Lightroom.
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